Contents Insurance for Renters

Get cover for your possessions in your rental home

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The information on this page is for policies starting from 14 January 2025.

For customers who started a policy before this date, view the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

What does TIO Renter's insurance cover?

TIO Home Contents Insurance is designed to cover the cost of repair or replacement of your contents at your rental home when loss or damage is caused by insured events such as break-ins, fires (including bushfire and grassfire), storm surge1, cyclone1, impact damage such as a fallen tree as well as accidental breakage of glass and more.

This is a summary only. For full details of the standard conditions, limits and exclusions on all our cover options please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement, Key Fact Sheets and any supplementary PDS (where applicable).

Theft or Burglary
Cover for loss or damage to your contents caused by actual or attempted theft or burglary.
Accidental Breakage of glass or ceramic items
Cover for accidental breakage of glass that forms part of your contents.
If you are a tenant in a rental property, we will also pay for accidental breakage of a fixed glass or ceramic item, like a window, cooking surface, sink or toilet if you are legally liable as a tenant to pay for the breakage.
Impact Damage
Cover for loss or damage to your contents caused by impact, including from a motor vehicle, a falling tree or any animal that is not kept in your home as a domestic pet.
Storm, Storm Surge1, Cyclone1, or rainwater

Cover for loss or damage to your contents caused by storm, storm surge*, cyclone*, or rainwater.

*A 72-hour exclusion period applies for loss or damage caused by storm surge or cyclone – see the PDS for full details.

Fire or smoke
Cover for loss or damage to your contents caused by fire, bushfires and grassfires or smoke.
Flood and/or run-off1

Cover for loss or damage to your contents caused by flood*, run-off, and flood water* (combined with run-off and/or rainwater).

*A 72-hour exclusion period applies for loss or damage caused by flood or flood water combined with run-off and/or rainwater – see the PDS for full details.

Alternative accommodation for you and your pets2
If your contents are damaged by an insured event during the period of insurance to such an extent that you can’t live in your home we will pay the additional costs for temporary accommodation up to 10% of the contents sum insured and up to $500 for temporary accommodation for your pets in a commercial boarding establishment, for a maximum of 12 months or until your contents are repaired or replaced.
Emergency contents storage
If your home building is unable to be lived in, we’ll pay to move and store your contents for the time necessary to repair or rebuild the rental home building, or until you find alternative accommodation, up to a maximum of 12 months. The maximum we will pay is the balance of your contents sum insured, after we have paid any claim for damage to your contents.
Legal Liability
As part of your Contents cover we include legal liability cover you may incur as owner of the contents up to $20 million. This cover can help provide financial cover if you are found liable for paying compensation following an accident.

Optional Covers

This is a summary only. For full details of the standard conditions, limits and exclusions on all our cover options please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement, Key Facts Sheet and any supplementary PDS (where applicable).

Optional Benefit
Accidental Damage cover
Cover for accidental damage or loss to any contents items at the insured address and anywhere in Australia up to 90 continuous days in any one period of insurance.
Optional Benefit
Portable contents cover3
Cover for loss or damage to your portable contents (items designed to leave your home or you take on you such as handbag, jewellery, cameras and glasses/sunglasses) caused by theft or an accident at the insured address and anywhere in the world when you are temporarily outside of Australia for up to 120 days.

Policy Documents and Key Fact Sheets

Any advice here is of a general nature only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply. Before making a decision please consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) /Policy Wording, Supplementary PDS (where applicable) & PDS update (privacy notice) and Home Buildings or Home Contents Key Fact Sheet is also available for reference.

Home Contents Insurance Calculator

When you take out contents insurance, it’s important that the amount you’re insured for accurately reflects the cost to replace your contents. This is because you might have to pay the difference out of your own pocket if you’re insured for less than the replacement value of your contents.

Value my Contents

Home Contents Replacement Cost Calculator

Value my  Contents

For home owners and renters

Disclaimer: The calculators will estimate a replacement cost by using the general information about your home buildings and contents provided by you. The estimate may not be appropriate for you and you’ll need to assess its suitability given your knowledge of your property and contents.

It’s your responsibility to ensure that the level of cover will be adequate to repair or replace your buildings and home contents in the event of a covered claim.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you’re renting or a tenant, contents insurance can cover the cost of repairing or replacing your belongings (such as furniture, whitegoods, electrical appliances or clothing) if they are damaged, stolen or lost. If you are unsure of the value of your belongings, you can use our contents calculator to help estimate the amount.

The calculator will estimate a replacement cost by using the general information about your contents provided by you. The estimate may not be appropriate for you and you will need to assess its suitability given your knowledge of your contents. It is your responsibility to ensure that the level of cover you choose will be adequate to replace your contents in the event of a covered claim. Terms, conditions, limits and exclusions apply.

Before making a decision, please consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)/Policy Wording and Supplementary PDS (where applicable) and Home Contents Key Fact Sheet, which is also available for reference.

If you have contents insurance, here are some examples of how contents insurance can work if you suffer an insured loss:

  1. If someone breaks into your house and steals your contents – you can replace the items that were stolen under your contents insurance up to your contents sum insured.
  2. If there is an accidental breakage of a window and as a renter you are legally liable to pay for the breakage, your contents insurance will cover the cost to repair or replace the window.
TIO’s contents insurance does not cover^:
  • More than three unrelated persons living in your home. All occupants must be listed on your policy.
  • Claims for loss or damage to the following items while they are being used:
    • sporting and fishing equipment
    • bicycles (when being used for racing, pace making, or in competition)
    • E-scooters with a maximum speed of 25km/h (when being used for racing, pace making, or in competition)
    • E-bikes with a maximum speed of 25km/h (when being used for racing, pace making, or in competition)
    • watercraft
    • drones, drone accessories, or other autonomously piloted aircraft
    • firearms
    • equipment that is used, in any way, for business, trade or professional purposes when in use (except if it is used as part of a home office).

^This is a limited summary only. Please refer to the PDS for a full list of policy exclusions.

We understand the unique conditions faced in the Territory

TIO is based in Darwin and our strength lies in our solid understanding of the conditions faced within the Territory year after year.

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Our contact centre and claims teams live and work in the Territory, so we know Territory conditions.
Trusted since 1979
TIO was established in 1979 to offer Territorians a range of insurance options to choose from. We're as committed and passionate about the Northern Territory as you are.

*Conditions Apply

1. 72-hour exclusion period for loss or damage occurring from cyclones, storm surge or floods.

We may not provide cover for any loss of or damage to your property caused by cyclone, flood, floodwater combined with run-off and/or rainwater, or storm surge during the first 72 hours after you first take out or increase the cover under an existing policy. Refer to PDS for when exclusion periods apply.

2. Alternative accommodation

Based on your building’s rentable value prior to the damage, up to 10% of Contents sum insured, up to a maximum of 12 months and up to $500 for your pets. This is a benefit we pay in addition to your contents sum insured. No excess applies to this benefit.

3. Portable Contents

Some portable contents must be specified on your policy schedule as Listed Portable Contents in order to be covered.

Terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions apply. Before making a decision please consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)/Policy Wording and Supplementary PDS (where applicable). The Home Contents Key Fact Sheet is also available for reference.